13 August 2007

First Response

In response to a post by the Meck Deck...which actually links to another blog:

Davidson Democrat Sam Spencer organized a rally at the Rosa Parks Transit Center last week. While the intention was a good one, there weren't that many people there. However, that's not what this post is about.

There are many things that Sam presents as facts from the March City Council Meeting. However, there are a few errors and I want to correct them before Meck Deck gets going.

First Option (No Rail, limited bus)

1. The elimination of 46 routes instead of 7.
2. STS service would be cut by 40%, which is more than just the City of Charlotte.
3. Charlotte property tax increase: 2.6 cents per $100 in assessed value.

Second Option (South Corridor, limited bus)

1. Same bus service as in #1 .
2. 15 minute peak, 30 off peak rail service.
3. Charlotte property tax increase: 3.6 cents per $100 in assessed value.

Third and Fourth Options

These would keep 100% of bus service and only the South Corridor in Option 3 with the full 2030 Transit Program in Option 4.

Third Option Charlotte property tax increase: 10.7 cents per $100 in assessed value.
Fourth Option Charlotte property tax increase: 15.2 cents per $100 in assessed value.

While Option One has the lowest hit to the property tax value, there is one catch. The City of Charlotte, and the City alone, would have to come up with $18 million and $300 million to repay the State and Federal Government. FY2008 Property Tax Revenue is only around $243 million. And that is to fund such critical agencies as the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department and the Charlotte Fire Department (of which about 75% of that revenue goes to CMPD and CFD).

City Staff has repeatedly said that Option One is not likely but a combination of the other three is more realistic. And probably the most important thing to keep in mind with all of this...only the citizens of Charlotte would have to pay any new property taxes to replace the lost 1/2 cent sales tax revenue.


Anonymous said...

It's nice to see someone looking at the facts!

Charlotte Transit said...

I just hope we can get this out there.

Sam said...

Links? I got my facts straight from CATS in May.

Charlotte Transit said...

No, no. The Meck Deck blog links to your blog.

The basic information in your blog was right. That's not the dispute...just some minor details.

Sam said...

No no no, what are your links? Sources, etc. I might have a more up-to-date estimate (more up to date than the Observer, certainly), or one that is less so. But my facts come from a recent, official estimate.